Gifts from god
Why did God give the humpback camel? Why does an
elephant have a big trunk? Why do birds have wings?
Why does a cow have a tail?
If your children ask these questions and you don’t have
a suitable and convincing answer for them, this book
will definitely help you. The series “Gifts from God”
was written precisely to answer these frequently asked
questions of children.
Text from the book Gifts from god
One sunny day, Rabbit came out of her burrow to find some
carrots for her children. How they loved carrots! So she went to the
nearby field to find some.
The field was full of lettuce, cucumbers, watermelon and
carrots. Rabbit got to work and soon, she had pulled out fifteen,
large carrots.
The carrots were covered with soil. She brushed each of the
fifteen carrots with her paws. Soon the clean, bright orange carrots
looked delicious.
Rabbit was ready to take the carrots home when,
suddenly, she realized that she had forgotten to bring her pail.
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