Chirpy Chick’s Egg cellent Birthday
The world is packed full of countless signs of God
Almighty’s existence and power. Wherever you look, you
can see God’s artwork stretching out everywhere. In fact,
you don’t have to go very far at all! Just open your eyes
and look at a chicken’s egg! Have you ever wondered how
beautiful baby chicks comes out of these seemingly dull
and simple white orbs? Who creates these pretty little
things from scratch? And who teaches mama hens how to
take care of their precious eggs? These questions tell us
that there’s more to an egg than meets the eye. So let’s go
on a little eggs-pedition and see what secrets lie hidden
inside those pearly white shells!
Due to its fluent, engaging and easily understandable
text, beautifully drawn illustrations, and a topic appealing
to children of various ages, “Chirpy Chick’s Egg cellent
Birthday” is a fine choice for introducing kids to the idea
of God’s miraculous creation.
Text from the book
Everybody loves chickens. They are so fluffy, cute and colorful, and
they make the funniest noises. Girl chickens are called hens and you
find them roaming around the farm, going: Cluck, Cluck, Squawk! Puk,
Puk, Pukak! Boy chickens are called roosters and you’ll see them jumping
up on fences and singing: Cock-a-Doodle-Doo!
Chickens are one of the most wonderful living things created by God,
and they have a very special way of bringing new chicks into this world.
In fact, you could call it an eggs-traordinary eggs-travaganza! Would
you like to know how they do it?
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