stop making satan smile
Anger is one of those tricky emotions that children and
even adults often struggle with. The beautiful teachings
of Islam — as embodied by the Holy Qurʾan and the
narrated traditions of the Blessed Messenger (s) and
his Sacred Family (a) — teach us how to control such
potentially harmful feelings through pious introspection
and meditative insight. “Stop Making Satan Smile!” is an
attempt to transfer this wisdom to children in a form that is
interesting, engaging and readily understandable.
Text from the book stop making satan smile
I am very angry at my
friends, and I want to
fight all of them! Who do
you think I should fight
with first? How about
Yes! I think I will fight Ammar first. Yesterday during
soccer practice, he kicked the ball into my face and it hurt
a lot! I will fight with him today and I’ll never speak to him
But … if I think about it, I don’t suppose he really meant
to hit me with that ball. He did apologize to me right away.
He ran over to me and said that he was very sorry, only
moments after the ball had slammed into my face
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