The diary of god
God that the prophets have introduced to us is the God who
sees us and is present in our lives moment by moment. He
is not indifferent to any of our works and sees all our works.
The book (Memories of God) was written with such a
perception and depicted the presence of God in the
Islamic lifestyle. This book is a collection of fictional
texts that spread the fragrance of God in the soul of the
audience and show his closeness in everyday life.
Text from the book The diary of god
Shaking Hands with God
Monday was soccer day for Saeed and his friends. He
would put on his soccer kit, grab his ball and go to the
playing field to score a few goals and have a truckload
of fun. Before starting the game, Saeed would always
shake hands with each and every one of his friends. This
was something he did every Monday. In fact, saying
“Salaam” and shaking everyone’s hands was one of his
characteristic traits and good habits.
However, there was one very interesting thing that
Saeed didn’t quite realize. Every single time he shook
hands with one of his friends, I was right there shaking
hands with him as well.
The truth is, whenever two good-hearted people shake
one another’s hands, I look upon them with great love in
My eyes and instantly forgive them of all their previous
mistakes and sins. Then, I secretly place My own hand
in between theirs, and go on to give a warm and sturdy
handshake to just one of these two individuals.
Can you guess which one of the two gets to shake
My hand? Indeed, it’s the one who likes the other the
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