The diaryof satan
Satan has many tricks to deceive us humans. The more
we become familiar with these tricks, the less we will fall
into Satan’s trap. In the Holy Qur’an and the sayings of
Ahl al-Bayt (PBUT), the most important tricks of Satan
are mentioned. Inspired by religious narration, the book
“Satan’s Memoirs” has explained some of these tricks and
deceptions of the devil.
This work is the result of the efforts of Mr. Gholamreza
Heydari Abhari, who has a long-standing friendship with
the devil and has himself been deceived by that trickster
creature many times!
Text from the book The diaryof satan
An Introduction by Mr. Satan
In my own name!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
What did you expect? Did you imagine that I’d start with God’s name!!??
It’s been ages since I’ve been angry with God. Why would I ever start
anything “with His name”!!??
I was friends with God long before Adam — or “the blessed prophet Adam”
as you call him — was ever created. In fact, I used to live right beside the
angels and worshiped God all the time, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a
week. My fight with God started once Adam stepped into the picture.
When God had created Adam, He spoke to me and all the angels and
commanded, “Bow down to Adam!” But I was wildly jealous of him, and my
inflated vanity didn’t allow me to obey God’s orders. All the angels bowed
down before Adam, but not me! What’s more, I swore an oath to become
humanity’s worst enemy…
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